Hi everyone, my name is Steven, and I’m a front-end developer.
I’d like to walk you through my portfolio, showcasing some of the projects I’ve worked on, the technologies I specialize in, and my approach to creating clean, user-friendly web experiences.
I’ve been working as a front-end developer for more than 3 years.
My passion for web development started with a curiosity for how websites work, and it quickly grew into a career.
My goal is to ensure every project I work on not only looks great but also delivers a seamless user experience.
This is an app for choosing a travel destination.
Tech : Typescript, React, React Query, vitest, sass
This is a copy of instagram.
I was just checking the real app and I made it from scratch.
Tech : Typescript, React, sass
StarWars characters list
This is an app that shows a list of characters from starwars saga.
Tech: Typescript, React, React Query, React router dom, vitest, tailwind
Heart beating monitors
This is a dashborad app where you can see different heart beating monitors.
You can take a mesure.
Each monitors take mesures in a different way.
They have different payload as well.
When you send data to the backend, it detects if it’s a fraud or not.
Tech: Typescript, React, React Query, vitest, tailwind
Link: https://github.com/steven3092/fraud_detection_frontend
I made other types of apps but smaller, or more for fun.
I invite you to take a look at my github account to have more details about the different apps I developed.